The Best Movies of the 2011 Summer

It’s officially been three weeks since my last post. I’m not making excuses but I’ve been extremely busy, I haven’t seen many new movies lately, and I have been experiencing extreme technical difficulties (i.e. My computer will not even turn on — I’m currently using my brother’s until I can troubleshoot the problem with mine.) That being said, I wanted to post something, so I figured I would discuss my favorite films of the summer season as the warm weather slowly begins to fade into fall.

Midnight in Paris

Far and away one of Woody Allen’s best movies in recent memory. Owen Wilson shines as he wanders the streets of Paris in this fantastical relationship drama tinged with science fiction elements.

Super 8

The super team of Abrams and Spielberg bring the magic back to movies in this alien flick that conjures comparisons to such classics as The Goonies and E.T.  You can’t help but love and cheer for these kids as they fight to save their town from an alien invasion.

X-Men: First Class

A great new installment in the X-Men series. Set in Cold War Era 1960’s, First Class does a superb job of introducing and shaping the characters that played such huge roles in the original trilogy. McAvoy and Fassbender redefine the roles of Charles Xavier (Professor X) and Erik Lensherr (Magneto) that were so poignantly portrayed by Patrick Stewart and Sir Ian McKellen respectively.

Captain America: The First Avenger

Chris Evans nails his role as ‘Cap’ and Joe Johnston puts together a terrific stand alone feature that doubles as an extended lead-in to the upcoming ensemble movie, The Avengers, due out in Summer 2012. If you’re looking for your Summer blockbuster, this is it!

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II

Wow! What a way to end the highest grossing franchise of all time. The films have only gotten better as this series has gone on and this installment is no exception. If you’ve spent any amount of time reading and/or watching these stories than you owe it to yourself to see it through to the end. You will not be disappointed.

Crazy, Stupid, Love

Certainly out of my movie wheelhouse, but admittedly one of the most enjoyable films of the Summer. Steve Carell shines as a new divorce who is trained in the wooing ways by the always impressive Ryan Gosling. Be forewarned, this is NOT your typical romantic comedy and I wouldn’t have it any other way!

If you haven’t seen these flicks already, do yourself a favor and go catch some good cinema! Enjoy and please revisit this page to let me know your thoughts.

2 thoughts on “The Best Movies of the 2011 Summer

  1. Good stuff – I know I can trust your tastes. Sadly, I’ve yet to see any of these but will definitely be on the lookout. I thankfully just started a Netflix subscription.

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